
What Reruns Can Teach Us About Ourselves

What Reruns Can Teach Us About Ourselves
Gemma / February 23, 2023

We all have our favourite TV shows that we love to watch over and over again. For some of us, it’s a comforting way to relax after a long day. For others, it’s a way to connect with friends and family who share our love for the same show.

But have you ever noticed how watching a rerun can sometimes be a more emotional experience than watching a new episode of a show? We may laugh harder at the jokes, cry harder at the sad scenes, and feel more invested in the characters’ lives.

Why does this happen?

It could be because we know what’s going to happen and we’re able to appreciate the little details that we may have missed the first time around. Or it could be because we’re seeing the characters in a different light! we may have grown up since we first watched the show, or our own life experiences may have given us a new perspective on the characters’ lives.

Whatever the reason, watching reruns can be a powerful way to connect with ourselves and our feelings. Here are some examples of how reruns can teach us about ourselves:

They can help us to process our feelings

If we’re feeling sad, anxious, or angry, watching a rerun of our favourite show can help us to process our feelings. We may cry along with the characters, or laugh at the jokes, or feel angry at the injustices that they face. But by allowing ourselves to feel our emotions, we’re also giving ourselves permission to let go of them.

They can help us to understand our triggers

Sometimes, we may find ourselves feeling emotional during a rerun even though we don’t know why. This can be a sign that we’re triggered by something in the show! maybe a character’s story reminds us of our own, or a scene sets off a memory that we’ve been trying to forget. By identifying our triggers, we can start to work through them and move on.

They can help us to appreciate the good times

When we’re feeling down, it’s easy to forget all the good times we’ve had in our lives. Watching a rerun of a happy TV show can be a reminder of those times, and help us to appreciate them all the more.

They can help us to connect with our younger selves

When we watch a rerun of a show we loved as a child, we may find ourselves feeling nostalgic for our younger selves. This can be a reminder of how far we’ve come and how much we’ve grown. It can also help us to connect with our younger selves and to understand why we felt certain things at that time in our lives.

They can help us to see the world in a different light

If we’re feeling stuck in our lives, watching a rerun of our favourite show can help us to see the world in a different light. We may start to see the characters’ lives as a metaphor for our own, and this can help us to find new ways to approach our problems.

They can help us to find hope

When we’re struggling, it’s easy to feel like we’ll never make it through to the other side. But watching a rerun of a show that we love can help us to find hope. We may see the characters go through tough times, but we also see them come out the other side! and this can give us the strength to keep going, even when things are tough.