
How Often Should You Cleanse Your Crystals

How Often Should You Cleanse Your Crystals
Gemma / February 22, 2023

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as the type of crystal, the environment it’s kept in, and your personal intentions for using the crystal. In general, however, it’s a good idea to cleanse your crystals regularly – at least once a month, or more often if you feel they need it.

There are several ways to cleanse crystals, such as using running water, salt water, smudging with sage, or using sound. Experiment to see what works best for you and your crystals.

Why is it important to cleanse your crystals?

Cleansing your crystals is important for several reasons. First, it helps to remove any negative energy that may have become attached to the crystal. This is especially important if the crystal has been used for healing or other purposes, as it can help to ensure that only positive energy is being transferred.

In addition, cleansing can help to restore the crystal’s natural vibrational frequency. This is important because it helps the crystal to be more effective in its purpose – whether that’s for healing, manifesting, or simply providing energetic support.

Finally, cleansing can help to cleanse and purify your own energy. As you work with your crystals, you will inevitably exchange energy with them. By cleansing your crystals regularly, you can help to ensure that your own energy is pure and positive.

How do you know when a crystal needs to be cleansed?

There are a few signs that may indicate that a crystal needs to be cleansed. First, if you notice that the crystal doesn’t seem to be as effective as it used to be, it may be time for a cleansing.

In addition, if you find yourself feeling unusually negative or stressed when you’re around the crystal, it’s a good idea to cleanse it. This may be a sign that the crystal has picked up some negative energy from you.

Finally, if you simply feel called to cleanse the crystal, go ahead and do it! Trust your intuition – it will rarely steer you wrong.

So, how often should you cleanse your crystals? The answer may vary, but in general, it’s a good idea to cleanse them at least once a month. Trust your intuition, and cleanse them more often if you feel they need it.


The benefits of spending less time shopping

Gemma / November 9, 2022

We all know the feeling. You’ve had a long day at work, you’re tired, and all you want to do is relax. So you head to the mall, or browse online retailers, in search of that perfect something that will make you feel better. But after an hour or two of browsing, you’re no closer to finding what you want, and you’re feeling even more stressed out than before.

Why does this happen? Because shopping has become a form of procrastination. We use it as a way to avoid the things we should be doing, like spending time with our families, or working on our hobbies. We think that by buying something, we’ll be happier, but the truth is, we just end up feeling guilty and stressed out.

Here are some of the benefits of spending less time shopping and more time living:

1. You’ll save money.

This one is obvious. If you’re not spending money on unnecessary things, you’ll have more money to save or spend on things that are truly important to you.

2. You’ll have more time for the things you love.

We all have hobbies and interests that we’d like to pursue, but never seem to have the time for. By spending less time shopping, you’ll have more time to focus on the things you’re passionate about.

3. You’ll reduce your carbon footprint.

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. By spending less time shopping, you’ll be doing your part to help reduce the negative impact fashion has on the environment.

4. You’ll feel less stressed.

Shopping can be a form of stress relief for some people, but it can also be a source of stress. If you’re constantly worrying about money, or feeling guilty about your purchases, it’s time to cut back.

5. You’ll be more present.

When you’re not focused on shopping, you’ll be more present in the moment and able to enjoy the things that are happening around you. You may even find that you have more patience for the people in your life.

If you’re ready to break the shopping habit, start by setting a budget and sticking to it. Make a list of the things you need, and only buy what’s on that list. When you’re feeling the urge to shop, take a moment to ask yourself why you’re doing it. Is it because you’re bored, or because you’re actually in need of something?

If you find that you’re spending more time than you’d like shopping, it may be time to take a break. Go on a shopping detox, and see how you feel after a week or two. You may be surprised at how much better you feel without the constant need to shop.