
The 5 Biggest Toy Trends Of The Future That Will Make You Money

The 5 Biggest Toy Trends Of The Future That Will Make You Money

connected toys

In a connected world, it only makes sense that toys would be connected too. Connected toys are those that can connect to the internet and interact with other connected devices. This could include things like a toy that can talk to your child’s smartwatch, or a toy that can be controlled by a smartphone app.

personalised toys

As technology gets more sophisticated, so does our ability to personalise products. This means that in the future, toys will be increasingly personalised to each individual child. This could include things like a doll that looks like the child, or a toy that is designed specifically for the child’s interests.

eco-friendly toys

As we become more aware of the impact of our consumer choices on the environment, eco-friendly toys will become more popular. These are toys that are made from sustainable materials, or that are designed to be reused or recycled.

educational toys

As parents become more concerned about their children’s educational development, educational toys will become more popular. These are toys that help children to learn, whether that’s through teaching basic concepts like counting or the alphabet, or through more complex STEM learning.

nostalgic toys

As adults become more nostalgic for their childhoods, nostalgic toys will become more popular. These are toys that are based on classic characters or properties, or that are designed to evoke a sense of nostalgia in adults.

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How To Get Rid Of A Cough In 24 Hours Or Less

How To Get Rid Of A Cough In 24 Hours Or Less

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps to clear your throat and airways of mucus and other irritants. However, sometimes a cough can become chronic and lasts for weeks or even months. This can be extremely frustrating, especially when it interferes with your sleep or daily activities.

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There are many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications that can help to suppress a cough. However, these medications can have side effects and are not always effective. Additionally, many people do not like taking medication, especially if they do not feel sick.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that can help to get rid of a cough quickly and effectively. In most cases, you should start to feel better within 24 hours.

Here are the top 12 natural remedies for a cough.


Honey is a popular home remedy for a cough because it is both soothing and effective. A study of children aged 2 to 18 found that honey was more effective in reducing cough symptoms than OTC medication.

To use honey as a cough remedy, simply take 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of honey. You can take it straight or mix it with tea or warm water. Honey is safe for most people, but infants under 12 months old should not consume honey.


Lemon is another effective home remedy for a cough. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. They also contain citric acid, which can help to break down mucus.

To use lemon as a cough remedy, mix the juice of 1 lemon with water and honey. Drink this mixture several times per day. You can also add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a diffuser or vaporizer.


Peppermint is a popular herbal remedy for a cough. Peppermint oil has menthol, which can help to relieve congestion and coughing.

To use peppermint as a cough remedy, mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water and honey. Drink this mixture several times per day. You can also add a few drops of peppermint oil to a diffuser or vaporizer.


Ginger is a popular home remedy for a cough. Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help to boost the immune system. Additionally, ginger can help to break down mucus.

To use ginger as a cough remedy, mix 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of grated ginger with water and honey. Drink this mixture several times per day. You can also add a few slices of fresh ginger to a cup of tea.

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow root is a traditional herbal remedy for a cough. Marshmallow root contains mucilage, a substance that coats and soothes the throat.

To use marshmallow root as a cough remedy, mix 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of dried marshmallow root with water. Drink this mixture several times per day. You can also take marshmallow root capsules or extract.


Thyme is a popular herbal remedy for a cough. Thyme has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Additionally, thyme can help to break down mucus.

To use thyme as a cough remedy, mix 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of dried thyme with water. Drink this mixture several times per day. You can also take thyme capsules or extract.


Mullein is a traditional herbal remedy for a cough. Mullein contains mucilage, which coats and soothes the throat. Additionally, mullein can help to break down mucus.

To use mullein as a cough remedy, mix 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of dried mullein with water. Drink this mixture several times per day. You can also take mullein capsules or extract.


Oregano is a popular herbal remedy for a cough. Oregano has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Additionally, oregano can help to break down mucus.

To use oregano as a cough remedy, mix 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of dried oregano with water. Drink this mixture several times per day. You can also take oregano capsules or extract.


Fenugreek is a traditional herbal remedy for a cough. Fenugreek has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Additionally, fenugreek can help to break down mucus.


The Benefits Of Having Multiple Chakras

The Benefits Of Having Multiple Chakras
Gemma / February 27, 2023

Chakras are the energy centers in our body that help to regulate our physical, mental, and emotional health. When our chakras are in balance, we feel good. We have energy, we are creative, we are happy. When our chakras are out of balance, we may feel anxious, stressed, or even depressed.

There are seven main chakras, each associated with different areas of our lives. The root chakra, for example, is associated with our sense of security and safety. If this chakra is out of balance, we may feel anxious or unsafe. The crown chakra is associated with our sense of connection to the divine. When this chakra is out of balance, we may feel disconnected from our spirituality.

Each chakra has its own unique properties and benefits. When all of our chakras are in balance, we are able to live our lives to the fullest. We have energy, we are creative, we are happy. We are able to manifest our dreams and desires. We are able to live in the present moment and be fully present in our lives.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of having multiple chakras, I encourage you to explore the resources below. I also invite you to check out my book, The 7 Secrets of Manifesting Your Desires, which is available on Amazon.

Chakras are the concentrated energy centers in the human body. There are seven main chakras located along the spine. Each chakra is responsible for governing different areas of the physical, emotional, and mental body. When all of the chakras are open and balanced, we experience optimum health and well-being.

When one or more chakras are blocked or out of balance, however, we can experience physical, emotional, and mental health issues. By opening and balancing the chakras, we can encourage healing on all levels.

The seven main chakras are:

Root chakra (Muladhara): located at the base of the spine, governs the physical body

Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana): located just below the navel, governs the emotions

Solar plexus chakra (Manipura): located in the stomach area, governs the mental body

Heart chakra (Anahata): located in the center of the chest, governs the spiritual body

Throat chakra (Vishuddha): located in the throat area, governs communication

Third eye chakra (Ajna): located between the eyebrows, governs intuition and psychic abilities

Crown chakra (Sahasrara): located at the top of the head, governs connection to the Divine

There are many benefits to having all of your chakras open and balanced. When this is the case, you will likely experience:

– improved physical health

– increased emotional stability

– improved mental clarity and focus

– enhanced spiritual connection and intuition

If you are experiencing any health issues, imbalances in your chakras may be to blame. By opening and balancing your chakras, you can encourage healing on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.


The Best Times To Book A Las Vegas Hotel Room For The Best Deal

The Best Times To Book A Las Vegas Hotel Room For The Best Deal
Gemma / February 24, 2023

– New Year’s Eve: This is the busiest time of year in Las Vegas so rates will be higher than normal. However, you can still find some good deals if you book in advance.

However, there are definitely some exceptions to this rule. For example, if there is a big sporting event or concert in town, the

However, there are a few key holidays and events where you can get an even better deal. Here are a few to keep in mind:

– Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Hotels are typically empty this weekend as most people are off work. You can find some amazing deals, especially at luxury properties.

– Presidents Day: Again, most people have this day off work so you can find some great rates.

– Memorial Day: This is the start of the summer season in Las Vegas so rates will be higher than usual. However, you can still find some good deals if you book in advance.

– Fourth of July: Many people travel for this holiday so rates will be higher than normal. However, you can still find some good deals if you book in advance.

– Labor Day: This is the end of the summer season in Las Vegas so rates will be lower than usual. You can find some great deals if you book in advance.

– Halloween: Many people travel to Las Vegas for Halloween so rates will be higher than normal. However, you can still find some good deals if you book in advance.

– Thanksgiving: This is a busy travel time so rates will be higher than normal. However, you can still find some good deals if you book in advance.

– Christmas: This is a busy travel time so rates will be higher than normal. However, you can still find some good deals if you book in advance.

– New Year’s Eve: This is the busiest time of year in Las Vegas so rates will be higher than normal. However, you can still find some good deals if you book in advance.


Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes The Natural Way

Although on first glance the picture above may look like I’m about to get my hands dirty and do a spot of painting, that is definitely not the case. In fact, instead of getting brushes caked in paint, I’m going to talk about my natural, greener and ultimately cleaner method to clean your makeup brushes with. I know everyone’s recently been talking about Dr Bronners soap which I’ll be the first to hold my hands up and say that I’ve never tried, but for the past 6 months this has been my chosen method of brush cleansing.

Coconut oil is my brush cleaning product of choice, yes that old chap and yet another thing you can use it for. I use Fushi’s Virgin Organic Coconut Oil and like to pop a small amount of of it onto the palm of my hand and then swirl my brushes in it. All the dirt, grime and yesterdays eyeshadow will come straight off and once left to dry your brushes will be super soft and ready to use on your face. What’s more, coconut oil has antibacterial properties in it which makes it an ideal candidate for brush cleansing and if it can easily remove my fake tan, removing makeup from a brush is child’s play.