
How to clean your house with sage

I haven’t yet applied this because I generally do it but it is very nice to be reminded about how quickly our work can be done. Unfortunately I don’t seem to have gotten the message through to my family yet so I often come out and have to tidy up after them. One trick I learnt from my Mum was to wipe the shower or bath down every time YOU use it. Even if hubby or kids come after it will have been wiped down at least once a day and so you will have to use much less in the way of muscle power or chemicals. It doesn’t matter what you use to wipe it with – wash cloth, towel or squeegee – anything does the trick which is to stop the build up that eats into the surfaces.

This is a great post! I was re-organizing and cleaning an area in my kitchen yesterday and came across a magazine article I had saved that had this type of info in it. It was a great reminder. Seeing this again this morning means I really need to work on being better about this.

Here’s the motto at our house:

  • If not I, who? If not now, when?
  • Not that is always followed, mind you! But at least it gets you thinking as you walk past the basket of unfolded laundry.
  • If I would remove my husband’s shirts from the dryer promptly – I wouldn’t have the chore of ironing them!

But I often find that I’m changing a diaper or chasing after a toddler when I hear the dryer buzzing – and then when I’m done with the diaper or the chase I have forgotten all about the dryer. And so the clothes sit in the dryer and wrinkle and I have lots of ironing to do.

I do my 15 minute clean up as soon as I get in the door from work. I call it my “daily sweep” on my docket. (both your ideas!) It is pretty amazing how much I can get done in only 15 minutes and how much more I enjoy the rest of the day with those things done first.

I was just thinking about this this morning! And every other morning, when I wake up to dirty dishes in the sink. Maybe it’s a sign …

I was going to leave a comment…. but first I need to go wipe down the peanut butter on my counter top!

I try to do this daily sweep everynight before bed so the house is clean when I get up the next morning – before getting trashed again by th4e hubby, 4 year old and dirty, shedding dog!