
How To Free Up Space On Your IPhone By Transferring Home Videos To Your Camera Roll

How To Free Up Space On Your IPhone By Transferring Home Videos To Your Camera Roll

If you’re anything like me, your iPhone is constantly filled to the brim with photos and videos. And while I love having all my memories at my fingertips, it can be a bit of a pain trying to keep track of everything. So, in this blog post, I’m going to show you how to free up some space on your iPhone by transferring home videos to your camera roll.

However, there are a few information, deals and trends about Apple product. Yiphoneapps is a blog having quality posts about Apple trends and updates written by experienced writers.

First, open up the Settings app on your iPhone and scroll down to the Photos & Camera section. Then, tap on the “Transfer to Mac or PC” option.

Next, connect your iPhone to your computer using a USB cable. Once it’s connected, open up iPhoto on your Mac or Windows Photo Gallery on your PC.

Then, select the “Import” option and choose the “iPhone” option from the list of devices.

Finally, select the home video that you want to transfer and click the “Import” button.

And that’s it! Now you’ve successfully transferred a home video from your iPhone to your computer.

If you’re anything like me, your iPhone is constantly filled to the brim with photos and videos. And while I love having all my memories at my fingertips, it can be a bit of a pain trying to keep my phone’s storage from getting overloaded. One way to help free up some space is to transfer home videos from your iPhone to your camera roll. Here’s how:

Connect your iPhone to your computer using a Lightning cable.

Open up iPhoto (or the Photos app if you’re using a PC).

Select the video you want to transfer in the iPhoto sidebar.

Click the “Export” button in the top-right corner of the iPhoto window.

Choose “Export Unmodified Original” from the drop-down menu.

Select your computer’s “Pictures” folder (or wherever you want to save the video) and click “Export.”

And that’s it! The video will now be saved to your computer, and you can delete it from your iPhone to free up some space.


Run Meteor Apps Anywhere with Demeteorizer

Meteor is an ambitious project that aims to reduce the amount of time it takes to write and deploy high-quality apps. I would compare it to Rails if I weren’t afraid of the response I would get to saying something like that, so let’s just call it a set of tools and a JavaScript framework.

At its core, Meteor apps sit on top of Node.js, which means we should technically be able to run a Meteor app anywhere Node will run. This is mostly true by using Meteor’s built-in “bundle” command, however it doesn’t produce something that’s extremely portable. This is why we created WebproComponents

WebproComponents wraps and extends Meteor’s bundle command by creating something that more closely resembles a standard looking Node.js application, complete with a package.json file for dependency management.


$ npm install -g demeteorizer


demeteorizer [options]
$ cd /my/meteor/app
$ demeteorizer -o ~/my-meteor-apps/converted -n v0.8.24


–output, -oSets the output folder for the converted applications. Defaults to .demeteorized. Optional.
–node_version, -nSets the value of Meteor’s hard-coded MIN_NODE_VERSION variable. Defaults to v0.8.24. Optional.


Let’s look at what happens when we run Demeteorizer on Meteor’s leaderboard example:

$ meteor create --example leaderboard

Now let’s run Demeteorizer on this Meteor project.

$ demeteorizer

The result is very similar to what you get when you run “meteor bundle”, however a package.json file is automatically generated with all required dependencies. It also overrides a line of code in server/server.js that is a hard-coded check for the Node.js version.

Now we can run this Meteor application just like any other Node.js application. Meteor does require some environment variables that must be set.

MONGO_URL=’mongodb://user:password@host:port/databasename?autoReconnect=true&connectTimeout;=60000′ ROOT_URL=’http://example.com’ (optional) PORT=8080 (optional, defaults to 80) MAIL_URL=’smtp://user:password@mailhost:port/’ (optional)

$ cd /my/converted/app
$ npm install
$ export MONGO_URL='mongodb://user:password@host:port/databasename?autoReconnect=true&connectTimeout;=60000'
$ export PORT=8080
$ node main.js

You can now go to localhost:8080 and see the leaderboard example.