
Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes The Natural Way

Although on first glance the picture above may look like I’m about to get my hands dirty and do a spot of painting, that is definitely not the case. In fact, instead of getting brushes caked in paint, I’m going to talk about my natural, greener and ultimately cleaner method to clean your makeup brushes with. I know everyone’s recently been talking about Dr Bronners soap which I’ll be the first to hold my hands up and say that I’ve never tried, but for the past 6 months this has been my chosen method of brush cleansing.

Coconut oil is my brush cleaning product of choice, yes that old chap and yet another thing you can use it for. I use Fushi’s Virgin Organic Coconut Oil and like to pop a small amount of of it onto the palm of my hand and then swirl my brushes in it. All the dirt, grime and yesterdays eyeshadow will come straight off and once left to dry your brushes will be super soft and ready to use on your face. What’s more, coconut oil has antibacterial properties in it which makes it an ideal candidate for brush cleansing and if it can easily remove my fake tan, removing makeup from a brush is child’s play.